Wayne Highlands School District is operating on a two hour delay on Tuesday, January 21, 2025.
Education Declaration Q2
October 29, 2020
Dear Parents and Guardians:
As we approach the end of the first quarter, we would like to remind you of our Health and Safety Plan Options.
If you are interested in changing your student's current educational declaration to (1) Traditional or (2) Wayne Highlands LIVE, we ask that you please contact your student's school by phone before Tuesday, November 3, 2020.
If you wish to continue your current educational model, in which your student is enrolled, you may disregard this message. Therefore, you only need to call if you are changing your student's declaration.
If you would like to change your student's educational declaration, we ask that you please contact your child's school by phone based on the schools below by Tuesday, November 3, 2020.
Damascus School - (570) 224-4114
Honesdale High School - (570) 253-2046
Lakeside Elementary School - (570) 253-6820
Preston School - (570) 798-2516
Stourbridge Primary School - (570) 253-3010
Wayne Highlands Middle School - (570) 253-5900
Thank you for your cooperation and support!
Wayne Highlands School District