Letter from Superintendent Frigoletto

Dear Wayne Highlands Families:

I hope this message finds all of you well.It is hard to believe, but here we sit approaching mid-July with the start of the 2020-2021 school year not too far off in the distance. As you can imagine, we have been hard at work, developing the District’s Health and Safety Plan for the new school year.

This has been an ongoing process that has included invaluable input from the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Pennsylvania Department of Health, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), American Academy of Pediatrics, as well as local health officials.Our plan is to continue working on the plan doing what we have always done, making the safety and well-being of our students and staff are our top priorities. Our goal is to have a Board approved plan completed by late July, making it public by early August.

As we have all witnessed throughout this Pandemic and even more so recently, this situation changes rapidly, at times even daily. It has been a trying time for everyone. I cannot thank you enough for your patience, understanding and trust as we continue to navigate this very difficult and complicated time.

We look forward to presenting the plan. We are confident that the plan will appropriately prioritize your children’s safety, while at the same time maintain the strong academic rigor and success for which Wayne Highlands is known.

Once you have had time to review the plan, we look forward to the opportunity to answer questions and discuss any other Wayne Highlands options you may wish to pursue.


Greg Frigoletto
Superintendent of Schools


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